
Chekhov restaurant


Elegant Russian restaurant. The interiors and the atmosphere of the noble villas of the late 19th century. A new presentation of favorite recipes

A sweet rustic idyll that passed from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 21st century taking along leisurely talks about destination of man as well as common weather talk, the fragrance of sweet homemade liqueur, good mood tea, pure enjoyment of cultured idleness and soaking up the summer breeze…

Every detail in Chekhov aims to develop a certain mood. We lovingly recreated the interiors of a small middle class country house. Oak furniture, array of homemade pickles, antique gramophone, a white piano, frayed book covers all contribute to the intimate and cozy atmosphere.

The menu is an old book that sometimes makes our guests smile with sincere surprise and delight as they read dish descriptions of the epoch. We combine the charm of old recipes, best farm products and the scrupulous home approach to the cooking process.

Soft classical music mingles with bird singing at the terrace and the rustle of parlourmaids attending to the guests. If all this seems close to your heart, if it makes you feel nostalgic then probably you are among those citizens who lack these emotions in the fast moving life of a big city. Come over to Chekhov – here you will find all this in abundance.
