
Ribai restaurant


At the Ribai restaurant meat is at the head of the table. They know how to cook and serve it

A good juicy steak in St. Petersburg is something of a delicacy, thus specialty restaurants are relatively rare and expectedly pricy. The appropriately named Ribai is a very welcome addition to the otherwise dreary scene: given the nature of the cuisine it offers tremendous beef selections at competitive rates. However, should you opt for something other than steak there’s another pleasant surprise in store. Following the glorious traditions of an American eatery the portions are mammoth and their delicious entrees (other than seafood) are priced below what’s expected from a joint that looks as classy as Ribai does. Don’t miss Ribai Borsch, a house specialty that successfully blends the cornerstone soup of Russian cuisine with Western flavors.


Average bill - 2500

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