Subscription rules

Email newsletter subscription terms and conditions from

By clicking “I agree to the terms and conditions of subscription”, You agree to receive informational letters on a regular basis containing news materials, information about events planned for the near future, articles published on the Website at:

You can cancel email newsletter subscription at any time. When subscribing, you provide personal data: Your email address. In each email newsletter there is an offer to cancel email newsletter subscription and a link to such cancellation. Follow this link if You wish to cancel Your subscription. You can also re-subscribe to the email newsletter.

Your personal data (Your email address) is used: 1) to be included in the mailing list database; 2) to fulfill obligations to regularly inform the Subscriber about planned events, current news of the city, topical collections; 3) to evaluate and analyze the work of the mailing.

Your information is not subject to disclosure. Disclosure of information in accordance with reasonable and applicable requirements of the law is not considered a violation of obligations.