Архитектор Д. Кваренги
Moving along the route
by land transport
Start of the route
How to get there?
St.Petersburg Academy of Science
# St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 5

Architect Quarenghi

# 42.323 km.
# 6 hours 40 minutes

Сложно представить Петербург без творений Кваренги. Вы познакомитесь с некоторыми из сохранившихся 20 постороек, узнаете о жизни выдающегося архитектора

The Italian architect Giacomo Quarenghi (1744 – 1817) was very popular in Russia where he moved in 1779. Many splendid buildings he erected in St. Petersburg became glaring examples of an austere and refined Classicism style. Quarenghi’s unique talent gained him several decades of continuous commissions from the Russian nobility. His works in Tsarskoye Selo represent a high point of Russian Classicism.

Attractions included in the route