Памятники Петру I в Петербурге
Moving along the route
by land transport
Start of the route
How to get there?
The Bronze Horseman
# Senatskaya sq.

Peter I Fit For Every Taste (monuments to Peter I in Saint Petersburg)

# 5.922 km.
# 3 hours

Show me your monument to Peter I, and I’ll tell you who you are

There are plenty of monuments to Peter in Saint Petersburg. Actually, you could put up a monument to him anywhere in the city and it would be appropriate. He was a high-profile figure with a multi- dimensional personality. He is worthy being remembered, yet the ways this is done differ, and the monuments to him do not resemble each other at all. Most of them are not monuments to Peter, but rather to those who commissioned them, those behind putting them up, or to the sculptors. The famous proverb could be rephrased to: "Show me your monument to Peter I, and I’ll tell you who you are".

Attractions included in the route